Updates and revision information are shown below.Critical issue will be displayed in ORANGE .
- Added TheLinuxFoundation SonicOS adapter (backup and command runner)
- Added last backup column to inventory view
- Fixed an issue static credential list cannot be searched
- Changed the regex for parsing hostname and serial number with Adva adapter (XG series/MRV OS606)
- Fixed an issue No data to display was displayed with SNMP monitor after disabling maintenance mode
- Fixed new trigger events not associate with deferred incident
- Fixed an issue Table widget for Agent-D cannot be added at Dashboards
- Supported install mode for IOS push with Cisco adapter
- Added Adva OptiSwitch adapter (Backup, Command runner, Terminal Proxy)
- Fixed an issue playbook job failed when searching device except Default
- Fixed an issue violation was cleared when device whose backup is failed
- Fixed an issue filter did not work with monitor created by monitor set after recovering state from SNMP credential is invalid
- Added replication feature
- Changed Playbook threading model, add batching to some device actions
- Added support for multi-select device status search
- Improved deep linking functionality to include saved searches and query-based search criteria
- Fixed an issue that job execution failed under the condition a lot of device groups exist (about 100 device groups)
- Fixed an issue where double quotes were treated as part of words in config text searches
- Fixed an issue excel template import failed after updating to r20241030.0332 or later
- Fixed an issue that "Difference between sequential measurement..." option is enabled after adding advanced metric
- Fixed an issue graph was not displayed correctly in case of rediscover for device with invalid credentials
- Loaded all Alert Policies for use in validation
- Added permission for running system backup
- Fixed an issue with Agent-D that prevented configuration updates if the monitored process was not running on the device
- Improved performance on deleting a large number of trigger events
- Fixed an issue monitor data cannot be displayed after SNMPv3 request timeout
- Changed default adapter type as vmxnet3 in case of fresh install for OVA
- Add filtering to the changes view
- Fixed an issue backup failed with Cisco ISE adapter whose OS version is 3.2 or later
- Fixed an issue download for support.zip failed
- Fixed an issue configuration including 0 byte size cannot be exported by ZIP format
- Added support for cisco webex incoming webhooks
- Fixed an issue violation status cannot be cleared after restoring system
- Improved ASA adapter so that OS distribution can be performed in case of multiple context mode
- Added validation function for use proper ip/hostname at Server Settings
- Improved configuration comparison feature with Cisco IOS adapter
- Fixed an issue that backup failed with Checkpoint Secureplatform adapter
- Fixed hostname parser and allow only some valid characters in file name and path when using build-in zip tool in Windows (only SSH)
- Fixed an issue restore folder remained under /data/netld/tmp/ after system restore
- Fixed an issue version information isn't displayed with line break after restoring configuration with Cisco IOS adapter
- Changed regex for paging process in telemetry with ArubaOS adapter
- Fixed launching native terminal in chrome
- Improved the behavior of "Search on map" option in the right-click menu in Inventory to automatically open the map where the device is inserted if it is only on one map
- Improved initialization of SNMPv3 requests
- Added additional font size for Insert Text at Map
- Fixed an issue where the monitor graphs could be interrupted
- Removed the "Function" options for some widgets (Gauge and Histogram) in the Dashboard
- Fixed an issue that device was not removed from violation widget immediately in case of deleting device at inventory
- Supported Unsigned32 as integer type for creating advanced metrics
- Fixed an issue "Map node id null is missing" is displayed when importing map which has link
- Fixed to display warning messages when circular references occur in MIB files
- Fixed an issue backup failed icon was displayed with device which doesn't have adapter after updating to 20240927.0846
- Fixed an issue that device information was not updated displaying no adapter after running rediscover for SNMPv3 devices
- Removed FTP protocol and fixed password masking issue with ZPE adapter
- Added toggles for switching NCM and DHCP feature for support discovery based on hostname (DHCP) at Edit Device dialog
- Supported Juniper OS push and retrieve
- Supported for NTP authentication
- Supported device OS version tracking/history
- Supported device group based search
- Added Playbook feature
- Supported tool execution for SR-M series with Fujitsu SRS adapter
- Fixed regular expression to retrieve information from FortiGate devices in HA configuration
- Disabled curve25519 kex for PaloAlto SSH connections
- Fixed regular expressions used when auto-logging in for Foundry FastIron adapter
- Fixed discovery issues for Foundry FastIron and Ruckus ZoneDirector adapters
- Fixed the regular expression used at logout on HP ProCurve adapters
- Fixed an issue that custom device field whose value is larger than 2147483647 is not displayed correctly in case of excel import
- Added DNS monitor
- Added NTP monitor
- Added e-mail subject for dashboard report
- Added support for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) and introduced API access tokens
- Added support for NTP authentication (MD5)
- Improved to open maps with a single click in the map tree
- Added the ability to change font size for nodes on each map
- Supported device OS version tracking/history
- Added IP based allow list for web console
- Added Playbook feature- Fixed an issue that Agent-D update failed at 20240227.1329 or later with SELinux enabled (reinstallation required)
- Fixed an issue No Response is displayed after editing SNMPv3 user with device
- Fixed an issue that violation count did not match with device setting for Time Window Trigger of Agent-D monitor
- Fixed an issue that histogram line chart graph wasn't drawn correctly at Dashboard
- Added 4RF AprisaSR adapter
- Fixed an issue that backup failed with BigIP adapter
- Supported config backup by SCP via jumphost (linux)
- Fixed an issue memory/CPU has been increased when comparing configurations
- Fixed an issue that smart bridge connection failed after updating to latest revision under the condition that syslog server is disabled at specific revision (r.20220706.0749~20230302.1110)
- Updated OpenSSH to 9.8p1
- Changed regex for removing control character with Cisco IOS adapter
- Supported EC private key contains EC parameter (prime256v1/secp384r1)
- Fixed an issue that service was not restarted after checking/unchecking Log to external attached storage when Agent-D for monitoring this server is enabled
- Fixed Catch all trap not format message properly if trap OIDs contain instance number
- Fixed SNMP monitor save behavior in the Templates tab
- Fixed an issue where adding a Catch All Trap monitor from Templates did not generate new trigger ID
- Fixed an issue with the sending Incident email option in Alert Policy Actions
- Fixed an issue that graph contains Aggregate of metric or advanced metric expression cannot be displayed at Dashboards after updating to r.20240707.2351
- Fixed regex for prompt with HP Procurve adapter
- Added notification when disk space is low
- Added notification when mail sending is failed
- Added notification when system restore failed
- Add realtime backup support for IOS-XR's commit command (”Configuration committed by user”)
- Supported EC certificate and private key (prime256v1/secp384r1)
- Changed Alaxala AXS adapter so that backup.bin can be retrieved when backup the device
- Fixed an issue that backup failed with Checkpoint Secureplatform adapter
- Fixed an issue switchport has been removed from startup-config with Cisco IOS adapter
- Fixed regular expressions used when auto-logging in for HP ProCurve adapter
- Fixed an issue ActiveDirectory user cannot change password
- Fixed regular expression used when auto-logging in for Cisco IOS adapter
- Remove duplicated sent commands when "Erase in Line" ANSI control sequence is seen for command runner with Palo Alto adapter
- Changed the prompt matching regex during restore for Alaxala AXS adapter
- Fixed an issue that backup failed on the jumphost network whose password contains "
- Added anomaly detection feature
- Added hostname on dashboard report
- Added model as map label
- Added support for searching for devices that have paused monitors
- Fixed an issue that caused elements of the default network to be displayed when a non-default network was selected for the inventory widget "Tags" and "Vendor/Model/OS" search criteria
- Fixed a bug in the SNMP credential validation process that could occur under specific circumstances
- Fixed an issue that Duration time is not set correctly in the case of setting End time to current time
- Fixed an issue that device schedule information is not displayed at Maintenance Windows dialog displayed by right-click menu in the case that device search is Search
- Supported backup and restore to enable file transfer via SCP for ZPE nodegrid
- Fixed an error when no replacement exists in a replacement per device job
- Added AlliedTelesis OS Software Distribution
- Added ZPE device
- Fixed an issue where the prompt could cause unnecessary differences when backing up using the Nortel Passport adapter
- Fixed Check Point SecurePlatform adapter to adapt to different prompts when user's login shell is specified
- Fixed the Restore the configuration to another device feature so that the selected target device is used as the target device in the task
- Added ability to select which tools are available by role
- Added endpoints for editing EOX on hardware
- Supported configuration search with strings which contains underscore at device detail screen
- Fixed an issue where the command runner would fail with an immediate error when executed
- Improved to allow "Traits" as a criteria on Inventory
- Added WMI monitor
- Improved the Violations widget on Dashboards to allow "Networks" as a criteria
- Added support for adding devices by hostname
- Fixed an issue where Static IP was not being set when changing from using DHCP to Static IP
- Added support for single sign-on with SAML authentication with Microsoft Entra ID and Okta
Changed regex so that it removes switchport string at startup-config with Cisco C9500 device
- Changed Huawei VRP adapter so that serial number can be displayed by supporting display device manufacture-info command
- Fixed regular expressions used when backing up ApresiaLight adapters
- Fixed an issue where smart bridge's state data synchronization would fail on slow networks, resulting in backup failures
- Fixed regex that recognizes insufficient privileges for users on backup process for PaloAlto adapter
- Improved teraterm installer script to work with fresh windows installs
- Fixed regular expressions used when auto-logging in for ARRIS Cadant adapter
- Fixed an issue terminal proxy connection failed via jumphost network
- Changed log output to improve execute action speed
- Added option to show device memo on tooltip in Map
- Fixed an issue where smart bridge's state data synchronization would fail on slow networks, resulting in backup failures
- Showed EULA before first use our product
- Added support email-private signed certs
- Fixed an issue where the Restore the configuration to another device function did not work properly
- Fixed an issue where unwanted differences due to timestamps were detected when backing up using the Nortel Passport adapter
- Fixed an issue that hardware information cannot be displayed correctly with Cisco IOS adapter (C9800-40-K9/Cisco 6807-XL)
- Improved Cisco IOS adapter to get static entries for MAC table
- Improved Switch Port Search feature so that it accepts xxxx.xxxx. format for MAC address
- Fixed incorrect VLAN displayed on Map Links
- Fixed an issue where SMB mount failed after update to 20240227.1329
-Improved functionality to change networks for multiple devices in edit device properties
- Added feature to view all compliance violations for selected policy in device details
-Supported Opengear CM8100
- Updated Terminal Integration Process
- Improved speed in case of running system backup which contains a lot of revisions in the device
- Changed Infoblox NIOS adapter to prevent generating unnecessary diff, also changed type of retrieved config
- Fixed an issue backup sometimes failed with newline for banner with Cisco IOS adapter
- Added pagination to dashboard inventory widgets
- Added ability to clear all violations with a single click
- Fixed the way Agent-D writes metrics to the output buffer
- Added ability to select and delete multiple monitors at device detail
- Fixed "displayString" table so that entries can be displayed in index candidate
* Changed number of backups to keep to 1 and disabled daily system backup for local system backup in case of fresh install
* Added custom fields to job history details table
* Added ability to delete custom field value from multiple devices
* Added smart change flow based UI
* Added configuration backup using show configuration commands for Vyatta OFR adapter
* Changed Cisco IOS adapter so that Wireless Controller is displayed as device type with Catalyst 9800 series device
* Improved wildcard search for job name so that make it same with other wildcard search at Job History
* Fixed an issue downloading csv/excel failed for compliance report
* Updated Cisco API usage
* Fixed regular expression used when auto-logging in for Alaxala AXS adapter
* Fixed regular expressions used when backing up Aruba adapters
* Fixed an issue error occurred due to control character when running show tech-support at Web terminal
* Fixed an issue that the Cisco Small Business adapter did not follow the enable mode option in Roles
* Added table of devices successfully backed up without changes to notification email
* Fixed an issue serial number is not displayed with Juniper JUNOS adapter
* Fixed an issue backup failed with Microsens adapter
* Fixed an issue that copy button is not enabled when entering mac address at Switch Port Search
* Fixed an issue HW vendor is not displayed correctly with Juniper JUNOS adapter
* Added email notification for smart change job
* Improved Cisco IOS adapter so that sdwan running-config can be retrieved at IOS-XE SDWAN device and IOS-XR device
* Added option for configuring case sensitivity at rule set editor
* Added Microsens Micro switch adapter
* Fixed an issue that nodes are not displayed at slot column with Juniper JUNOS adapter
* Fixed an issue that config mismatch icon is displayed due to end of space at the configuration with Cisco IOS adapter
* Fixed an issue of Cisco Firepower device (startup-config/hostname display)
* Fixed an issue that error occurred when running conf t by command runner with hostname longer than 21 with Cisco IOS adapter
* Fixed an issue that error occurred when running conf t by command runner with hostname longer than 21 with Arista EOS adapter
* Added email notification for tool job (except smart change job)
* Added option for omitting change when maximum lines exceed limit for configuration change report
* Supported for retrieving EOS/EOL software information for Cisco device via Cisco API (only for netld and ThirdEye Suite)
* Added ruleset feature for smart change job
* Added list of failures to backup email
* Showed warning if server and browser clocks are over 1 hour different
* Added realtime backup for Arista EOS adapter
* Fixed an issue that backup using Telnet failed with Apresia NP series
* Changed Alaxala AX2340S/2530SE device so that backup.tar can be retrieved
* Added ability to copy the result of switchport/ARP search
* Showed product version in sysDescr string
* Added Test Authentication button for Cisco API at Server Settings
* Added support for Yamaha UTX using Check Point SecurePlatform adapter
* Fixed an issue restore failed with SonicWall adapter
* Fixed an issue that save command failed after running tool jog with H3C/HP Comware adapter
* Fixed an issue error message (online activation failed) is not displayed when applying license without internet connection/MAC environment
* Changed regex in config prompt regex in command runner with Cisco IOS adapter
* Added Century AS adapter
* Changed BigIP adapter so that backup does not fail and rest of the files are saved when backup.ucs file exceeds 500MB
* Fixed an issue that backup failed when control character is included in the result of show inventory command with Cisco device (Catalyst9410R/Catalyst9407R)
* Added backup command for FRP FXOS devices with Cisco ASA adapter
* Fixed an issue that command runner failed with ja.utf8 character code is included in more prompt with Yamaha RT/RTX adapter
* Disabled weak mac algo for built-in ssh server for system vulnerability
* Changed Allied Telesis AlliedWare adapter so that cfg file by “Current boot config” can be obtained
* Added Details button to check violation status at device detail
* Changed Yamaha RT/RTX adapter so that backup is succeeded in the case that SNMP is not set at device setting
* Fixed an issue where the Command Runner did not display the complete operational status of the external memory with Yamaha RT/RTX adapter
* Fixed an issue that backup failed when more prompt and control character are included as result of show interface command with Fujitsu SRS adapter
* Removed console lines infinity process for command runner with Yamaha RT/RTX adapter
* Fixed an issue that mount display is not displayed as error when server is down for external system backup at console screen
* Use configured public hostname in backup result email
* Fixed an issue that session is disconnected when logging to netLD via SSH(Prt2222) by user using external authentication
* Fixed an issue that match expression is copied to next expression at rule sets at Compliance
* Fixed a reserved alphabetical sort order of smart change job
* Changed Admin Dashboard screen from :8443 to /admin
* Fixed an issue that backup failed with Juniper adapter via jumphost network
* Fixed an issue that backup failed when multi-line is included in the prompt with F5 BigIP adapter
* Fixed an issue that backup failed due to pager with Vyatta OFR adapter
* Remove version from About page
* Added wildcard support in mac address in interfaces search
* Changed to the IOS-XE device in SDWAN settings so that a startup-config file is not created when the device is backed up
* Cleared the startup/running violation after new backups for devices that has a running config but no startup config
* Fixed configuration mismatch issue with Panasonic (Switch-M24eGi) device
* Fixed an issue that backup failed because of carriage return of terminal length width
* Fixed an issue that command runner (show failover) failed with Telnet with ASA adapter
* Fixed an issue that backup failed by pager with Vyatta OFR adapter
* Updated the H3C/HP Comware adapter to allow restoration of any .cfg file, instead of just the startup.cfg and config.cfg files
* Added rename ability for changing rule set name
* Changed Cisco Client Secret to not be clear text
* Added hardware EoL/EoS in hardware tab at device detail
* Fixed an issue failed is displayed despite restore for running-config is succeeded
* Changed search windows GUI
* Changed the search way of IP/hostname
* Fixed an issue failed is displayed despite restore for running-config is succeeded
* Fixed an issue that correct OS version is not displayed with Aruba OS adapter
* Added Change Local User Password for H3C adapter (include add/delete user)
* Added LiveAction adapter (backup by HTTPS only)
* Added checkbox for Automatically perform STARTTLS negotiation when certificate is installed at Mail Server setting
* Supported multiple files upload
* Supported STARTTLS for sending mail
* Fixed configuration mismatch issue paging prompt string is added at configuration with Allied Telesis AlliedWare adapter
* Updated Snakeyaml from 1.27 to 1.33 for support of CVE-2022-41854
* Updated kryo dependency to 5.3.0 for sonatype-2021-1215
* Updated NuProcess from 2.0.2 to 2.0.6 for CVE-2022-39243
* Fixed an issue that change tool cannot be executed except Manage OS Images
* Fixed an issue that backup failed by using hmac-sha2-512
* Fixed an issue that Add devices even when there is no supported adapter is checked after reopening the discovery job
* Changed Arista EOS adapter so that backup is succeeded without enable password
* Updated OpenSSL from 1.1.1o to 1.1.1s
* Fixed an issue that error occurred when opening the configuration whose data retention setting has been expired
* Fixed an issue that VTY password had been changed by uknown user when running Change Local User password with Alaxala AXS adapter
* Changed behavior when backup failed with invalid credential for H3C adapter
* Fixed an issue paging prompt string is added at vlan config with Alaxala adapter
* Added Cisco ISE adapter
* Added Cisco CMX adapter
* Fixed an issue that backup failed with user having privilege level password with Allied Telesis AlliedWare adapter
* Fixed an issue that Change Enable/VTY password failed with H3C/HPComware adapter
* Updated libxml2 from 2.9.7 to 2.10.3 for CVE-2022-40303
* Updated open-vm-tools from 11.2.0 to 12.1.0 for CVE-2022-31676
* Fixed an issue that job cannot be cancelled in progress
* Fixed an issue backup failed on the network by using jumphost for linux with kerberos authentication
* Fixed an issue that export LINES=100000 is displayed after connecting to device by TerminalProxy with BigIP adapter
* Fixed an issue that Card Type are not displayed at Hardware information with Cisco IOS adapter (C9407R)
* Fixed an issue that custom device field cannot be imported/exported for the user who does not have restriction
* Fixed an issue that Device Type is displayed as switch with Cisco IOS adapter (ASR920)
* Fixed an issue that Collect Neighbor data failed with Alaxala AXS adapter
* Fixed an issue telnet connection failed with Aruba device on the network using jumphost
* Fixed an issue that Enable Password failed with Cisco IOS adapter
* Fixed an issue that startup-config is not saved with ArubaOS (8.x) adapter
* Add a feature to unmount remote file server
* Fixed an issue login failed with LDAPs connection
* Updated commons-text to 1.10.0 to address CVE-2022-42889
* Fixed a configuration mismatch issue due to timestamp and comment with Fujitsu SRS adapter
* Fixed an issue that backup failed by SCP protocol with APC Smart-UPS adapter
* Fixed an issue part of More prompt has been displayed at configuration with Allied Telesis AlliedWare adapter
* Fixed an issue that VDOM environment cannot be set correctly in case of setting NTP server with Fortinet Fortigate adapter
* Fixed an issue that smart bridge connection has been recognized as offline when reconnecting smart bridge without receiving TCP Reset
* Changed output format for show vlan configured-ports command with Arista EOS adapter
* Fixed an issue that command runner failed for SSH protocol with APC Smart-UPS adapter
* Fixed an issue that backup failed when set destination is not returned correctly when setting up for config router static with Fortigate adapter
* Added feature to copy/duplicate jobs at Job Management (not supported schedule and replacement)
* Display Neighbors with HP Procurve adapter
* Add support for FortiAnalyzer (Backup, Termial Proxy)
* Add /etc/version as config list with Opengear adapter
* Display Neighbors with Extreme XOS adapter
* Change rediscover option for discovery and change Japanese sentence
* Fixed an issue that backup failed when there is a space at the beginning of hostname with Alaxala AXS adapter
* Fixed an issue that Collect Neighbor failed with ArubaCX 6000 series adapter
* Display OSPF/BGP protocol at Display Neighbors with ArubaOS-CX adapter
* Fixed and issue that custom device field value disappeared except edited area in case of editing custom device field
* Fixed and issue that value with other custom device field is displayed as custom device field 1
* Fixed a sorting issue for custom device field
* Display Neighbors with HP Procurve adapter
* Display Neighbors with Aruba CX adapter
* Fixed an issue that Open Terminal failed with APC SmartUPS device
* Fixed an issue SCP transfer failed during transferring by large file
* Fixed an issue that backup failed in case of including () as prompt when redundancy and so on with Arista EOS adapter
* Supported Lenovo ThinkSystem NE2552E Flex Switch (backup, command runner, Terminal Proxy)
* Supported adding custom device fields
* Supported to deploy .iso format
* Show job history by currently selected network
* Supported smart bridge deployment for AWS
* Implemented paging for zerotouch configuration list
* Supported for retrieving EOS/EOL information for Cisco device via Cisco API (only for netld and ThirdEye Suite)
* Displayed list of devices in smart change confirm dialog as tools
* Added permission to allow seeing passwords
* Upgraded OpenSSL to 1.1.1o
* Upgraded PostgresSQL from 11.11 to 11.16
* Fixed an issue that disk usage has increased after update
* Fixed an issue that unnecessary revisions have been created for Check Point Secure Platform adapter
* Changed the regex for command in case of backup with Opengear adapter
* Supported SCP for IOS Software Distribution
* Added Baffalo WAPM series adapter
* Fixed an issue that vendor/model/version were not displayed for Cisco ASR device whose version is 7.1.x
* Fixed an issue that IP or hostname disappeared from Active Directory at External Authentication after update to r.20220426.0806
* Implemented monitoring server by using SNMP v3
* Implemented limitation for number of backup executing at a time by using jumphost feature
* Added Viptela adapter (backup and command runner)
* Added AeroHive adapter (backup and command runner)
* Implemented category grouping feature for Rule Sets
* Changed the regex for command in case of backup with Opengear adapter
* Improved Cisco Nexus adapter (added show running-config all)
* Fixed an configuration mismatch when terminal window column setting has not applied to candidate-config for Fujitsu SRS adapter
* Fixed an issue that login banner is not displayed correctly for Terminal Proxy log
* Fixed an issue that block match rule fail-on-nomatch did not apply to empty block
* Fixed an issue that external storage mount failed with password including ” for SMB server
* Added Terminal Proxy log deletion feature for specific logs by right-click menu
* Disabled download link during performing system backup
* Fixed an issue that Power Supply information cannot be displayed with Cisco CGR 2010 device
* Fixed an issue that multiple terminal proxy logs cannot be exported
* Updated Linux kernel to 5.10.108 for vulnerability (CVE-2022-0847)
* Fixed missing last character of every lines in login banner
* Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1n for vulnerability (CVE-2022-0778)
* Fixed invalid credentials issue when renaming credentials set
* Changed Accedian adapter backup behavior (Remove SNMP and added board show info command)
* Fixed an issue startup was slow after update
* Fixed an issue that restore failed when external storage is set
If “Service is not running” is displayed after update, it is migration issue and you can connect to service if you wait for a while. We will fix it in the next release.
* Added pushed template command for Palo Alto adapter
* Updated Open JDK to 17
* Fixed an issue that serial number did not match with hardware search
* Added ethtool and disable large-receive-offload on startup
* Fixed data format when saving Terminal Proxy log after 2022/02
* Changed the implementation when system backup restore failed
* Fixed a dropdown menu display so that all networks are displayed when creating job
* Fixed an issue that backup failed with Cisco FTD device after Cisco IOS OS update
* Added End Of Sale/End Of Life report.
* Improved Config Diff Cleanup execution by using separate browser tab.
* Added Aruba CX adapter.
* Added PnP ID-less Static Template for Zero-Touch.
* Updated log4j to 2.17.1.
* Fixed an issue that syslog have not been rotated in case of external logging setting
* Fixed an issue that model name and serial number are not displayed in HA status with Fortigate adapter.
* Fixed an issue that backup failed due to Null Point Exception when importing legacy credentials.
* Fixed an issue that unnecessary revisions have been created due to encrypted passphrase for BigIP adapter.
* Fixed an issue that job approval execution mail cannot be sent to approver.
* Fixed the OS display so that selected OS version is displayed for Extreme XOS.
* Fixed an issue that unnecessary revisions have been created due to timestamp for Fujitsu SRS adapter.
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